The Ethics of Touch


SKU: DCV0001 Category:


Establishing and Maintaining Appropriate Boundaries In Service to People with Developmental Disabilities
By Dave Hingsburger and Mary Harber

All human beings need touch. We need to be held. We need to hold.

This training package looks at the delicate issue of touch. Those who provide direct care to people with developmental disabilities are often asked to be in private places performing intimate services. From bathing to toiletting to dressing, we are necessarily in close proximity to those we serve. Given this situation, it is imperative that staff be aware of how to provide these services while maintaining appropriate professional boundaries. How do we appropriately express affection toward those we serve? This DVD suggests new and healthy ways of helping people with disabilities fulfill their deepest needs.

The package includes over 2 hours of lecture on ‘touch’, ‘privacy’ and ‘boundaries’ by renowned trainer Dave Hingsburger and a manual, co-authored by Mary Harber of the Sexual Health Resource Network, which staff can use to participate in the training.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg